8th Grade Reflection
I was always reading, which was one of the think I was the proudest f because even though I was busier and sometimes even stressed I was able to find relaxation in books. Some of my accomplishments this year was participating in becauseIn the beginning of the school year, I was nervous of what was to come. I did not want to deal with all the work. I did not think I was going to be capable of doing as well as I did other years. One of my goals in the beginning of the school year was to do well in school and to improve the skills that were at a lower level. In order to accomplish this, I would have to work hard on everything that the teachers assigned. I also wanted to be able to speak out loud more since I am shy when it comes to talking to a group of people that are not close friends or family. One of the biggest things that I wanted to accomplish was getting into PCTI. Which I did accomplish. But this would not have been possible if it weren't for the people that helped improve, encouraged me and supported me. Throughout the year there were times where I felt like I didn't want tot do work anymore. Especially when the due dates of all my classes assignments were all in the same week. But I was always surrounded by people that encouraged me and that did not allow me to quit. This year wasn't always easy I wasn't always happy with how my work came out. But I learned on the way. One of the most important thing that I had t learn was to manage all my assignments well. If I wasn't organized it would have affected my grade because due dates for each class are constantly going back and forth and if I didn't keep track, I wouldn't be able to manage time. One thing that I improved the most was in reading. This is because I started the year at a low reading level and ended the year above grade level. This was MATHCON. Even though I didn't go on to the next stage of the competition I am proud of that because I was chosen because I am one of the top students in the math class. Which makes,e proud because it shows how all my hard work does pay off. And even though I didn;t win it only encourages me to do better next time have the same opportunity. Something else that I am proud of was that I was able to be part of the National Junior Honor Society. This was a big achievement because I was one of the many hand selected students that applied for this program. I was able to participate and help out in many school events. And I was able to encourage myself to do more community service outside of school. In the end, I felt like this year went by really quick. I feel like just a couple weeks ago I had entered my homeroom for the first time and know am gettting ready to leave middle school and start a new stage of my life , High school

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One of the first Assignments we ever did was a vission and mission board.

This Outsiders by S.E. Hilton was the first book read as a class.

In the beggining of the year applications to join the Natinal Junior Honnor Society were handed out.